Mayer on Commonplace Podcast, December 2017
Mayer in conversation with Rachel Zucker, host of the Commonplace podcast. To listen, click here.

Mayer in conversation with Susan Howe, 1979
Mayer on Susan Howe’s radio show, on WBAI (NY)/Pacifica Radio, on April 22, 1979. Click here for more information, and to read a transcript courtesy of Jacket2.

Interview for the Poetry Foundation, 2011

Interview with Hillary Ferguson for the New School
Mayer in conversation with Ferguson, on behalf of Creative Writing at The New School and the National Book Critics Circle. Click here to read full interview.

Interview for Cold Front Magazine
Mayer in conversation with Stephanie Ferguson, for Cold Front Mag, March 25, 2014. Click here to read.

Feature Interview for Fact-Similie, 2013